Welcome to
Helping runners reach the finish line since 2003
Whether you are looking for your first run group or your next run group; look no further than the Connor’s Runners. This Group started in 2003 as a grassroots marathon training playground. It is for those looking to get faster, run longer, earn PB’s & BQ’s, and have a whole lot of fun while slogging miles together as a team.
The running scene in Greater Halton (Oakville, Burlington & Milton) is booming and continues to foster the growth of the Connor’s Runners . With our extensive trail systems, views of Lake Ontario, fabulous country roads, and proximity to the escarpment, we make training for races both beautiful and technical within our own community. You will see our runners proudly sporting their Orange throughout Halton and at finish lines all over the world.

Oakville’s Premiere Running Group
Just who will get you to that Finish Line?
Meet our Connor’s Runners coaches:
Connor’s Runners Endurance Running Programs: 21K, 30K, 42K, 50K up to 100 Miles.
Dr. Stephen Connor is an Oakville-based Sports Chiropractor with a passion for helping athletes progress within their chosen sport. With 6 Ironman Triathlons and more than 30 Marathons under his belt, Dr. Steve applies both personal experience and an extensive understanding of exercise when helping runners achieve their goals. This group took shape in 2003 and has been running strong for over 20 years.
Connor’s Runners Short Distance Running Programs: 5K or 10K
Dr. Kate Irwin is a long time endurance athlete who loves helping runners reach their full potential. Dr. Kate applies her experience as a Chiropractor, Ironman triathlete and distance runner to assist all of the athletes she coaches. Her main focus is getting runners to run further and/or faster while helping them work towards their individual goals. She aims to foster a group of encouraging and motivated runners.
Our coaches are always here to help you become the best runner that you can be. However, it is the dynamic and fun team experience that makes our running group truly stand out. All of our runners have shared advice, learned from other’s mistakes, pushed and/or pulled another runner, and gained speed, power and confidence from training with this group. What are you waiting for?
Endurance Programs
(Half Marathon and Longer):
There are two training seasons per year. The first season is designed to get runners ready for Spring Races (March-June). The second season will target preparation for the Fall Races (September-November).
Our Endurance Program Runners meet at varied locations in order to take advantage of local terrain, traverse interesting routes, and avoid inclement weather. Long runs are on Sunday mornings, while mid-week speed and hill workouts happen in smaller groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Short Distance Program
(5km and 10km distances):
The 5km and 10km run group is a 12 week program that runs 3 times a year (Fall, Winter and Spring). Our 5k and 10k athletes meet in different locations within Oakville every week. Our long runs are held on Saturday mornings and our mid-week workouts are held on Thursday nights.
Mid-week meet-ups typically involve different workouts, such as track workouts, hill repeats, speed work, and more. These runs are fun and having the group waiting for you holds you accountable to getting your run done!
What to Expect from your Connor’s Runners Coaches:
When you join Connor’s Runners, you receive schedules that are built specifically for both your race distance and chosen race, including free modifications to your schedule when life gets in the way of your plans. You can expect regular emails outlining routes, meet up locations, and tips for your workouts. We also arrange guest speakers on essential topics throughout the program, providing essential opportunities for learning and growth as runners. You can count on our ongoing encouragement and support with direct feedback on techniques, pacing and, of course, ways to avoid injuries during your training season.